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AIR Mexico City

Performance by Artist in Residence Semi

At Casa Lü, you'll encounter a vibrant network of residents, hosts, collaborators, local artists, and visitors. This diverse community creates a unique, enriching environment where artists are encouraged to create and connect through their work, fostering both creative exchange and growth.


Learn more and join our community by following us!

Artists in Residence

Our community has welcomed over 430 talented artists from around the world as part of our residency program. You can explore the list of former residents at Casa Lü Parque [here].


Artists in residency in Mexico City

Casa Lü Parque Residents visit Casa Lü Sur. 


Our dedicated team of full-time and part-time collaborators ensures the smooth operation of the residency. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, contributing to the supportive atmosphere that Casa Lü is known for.



Mireya Lastiri, Main Host.

Michelle Saenz, Coordinator.

Guadalupe Quesada, Co-founder, Co-director, and Enrolment Office.

Vicente Quesada, Co-founder, Co-director, and Operations Manager.

Amado Cabrales, Concept development guide.

Paty Siller, Exhibition text guide and translator.

Mariana Lagort, Exhibition text guide and translator.

Nelson Peralta, Chief of Maintenance and Groundskeeper. 

Rubén Garay, Photographer.

Carmen Herrera, Housekeeper.

Mari Nogales, Housekeeper.

Mauricio Soto, Groundskeeper.


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Celebrating our traditional "Posada"


Artists, curators, and art professionals visit Casa Lü, providing valuable feedback and fresh perspectives that shape new directions in our residents' artistic practices. Some of our visitors are: 


atirs showing her work in residency

Resident Julia Signe presents her work and receives feedback from Amado Cabrales (Casa Lü's conceptual guide) and guest gallerists Karen Huber.

Local Artists

We collaborate with both established and emerging artists from Mexico City's vibrant art scene. Through studio and exhibition visits, we facilitate exchanges that enrich and deepen the creative process.​​​ Some of the local artists we visit are: 

Art residents in studio visit

Marcos Gonzáles "Foreman" studio visit. 

Residents in another art studio

Jimena Neon Mood studio visit. 

Local Studios

​Our local studio partners, specializing in printmaking, ceramics, and other mediums, support Casa Lü’s mission. These spaces offer residents the chance to deepen their practice, explore new techniques, and receive assistance from skilled artists to create meaningful and impactful art. Some of the studios we work with are: 



Cristina Celis Flam


Casa Roga

S A R A — Sociedad Anónima Reproducción Autogestiva



Residdents visiting Rodrigo Flores TACO art studio

Rodrigo Flores gives a guided tour of the TACO studios, located in downtown Tlalpan, to residents Taussen Brewer and Aldo Islas along with Mireya Lastiri.

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